Thanks all, for your support.
I did fed spammy emails, most are blocked but users still get bunch of those emails a day. I added this in MTA:


in the .cf file I addes
blacklist_from *.review
blacklist_from *.work
blacklist_from *.date

I will be monitoring,


On 08/13/2015 11:34 AM, John Hardin wrote:
On Thu, 13 Aug 2015, John Hardin wrote:

On Thu, 13 Aug 2015, Motty Cruz wrote:

 Can I configure Spam-assassin to drop emails with extensions .review?

 From: "Patio Deals" <>


 header  FROM_TLD_REVIEW   From:addr =~ /\.review$/i

Also, if you want to poison-pill such senders, do it at the MTA level.

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