On 8 Sep 2015, at 17:38, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

Overall, the default SA is designed for a 5.0 threshold. You have raised it to 10.0. That's largely the source of the issue.


5.0 is a very safe threshold, and I've found that once the Bayes and AWL DBs are reasonably trained, 4.5 or even 4.0 will catch more spam without measurably increasing false positives for business email streams. For more ISP-like streams maybe 5.5 or 6.0 would make sense, but I haven't seen a >9 false positive from SA in many millions (billions? maybe...) of messages over many years of use. At 10.0 SA will miss most spam, unless you expose it to sorts of spam that can be blocked by much lower-cost and safer means (e.g. SMTP greeting pause, low-FP DNSBLs, etc.)

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