Am 09.09.2015 um 16:03 schrieb Ben Whyall:
I have a mail setup serving multiple domains that is running on ubuntu
lts 14.04.03 lts.

Spamassassin 3.4.0
Perl 5.18.2
Exim 4.82

We have bayes stored in a mysql database

When spamassassin is run from exim, it is always returning a hit on rule
Bayes_00 with a score of 0.0000, however if you run spamassassin <
message, it will return a different bayes score.

sound like exim is running spamassassin as a different user and like using a different bayes

however, i observed that BAYES_xx for whatever reason *heavily* depends on Received-headers and so results are often differetn between spamc and running as milter for example

another example: in case there are no reveived headers at all bayes will never ever hit 999, put a purely random, valid received header on top and the same sample hits 999

observed that by stripa ton of headers out of our training-corpus with "formail" and rebuild bayes, hence now there is on single static Received-heaer on top of all samples and so they pass our masstests as expected

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