Am 21.09.2015 um 18:56 schrieb Kris Deugau:
A. Schulze wrote:
today I was notified by ezmlm that my MTA rejected messages to me.
Messages to this list where classified as spam by .. spamassassin.
OK, no surprise some messages look spammy.

As usual: there is one solution that is smart, fast and obvious. But
sometimes this one is also wrong.
So I ask the list: (how) do you whitelist this list?

Personally, I'm fond of whitelisting most of the mailing lists I'm on by
telling the glue layer to not pass the message to SA in the first place.

I call SA from procmail on message delivery, so a procmail recipe like so:

* ^List-Id: <>

placed ahead of the segment that passes the message to SA

well, that is *easy* to forge as any header

whitelist_auth is based on SPF/DKIM and combined with SHORTCIRCUIT prodcues zero load

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