On 11/5/2015 1:44 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 05.11.2015 um 19:24 schrieb Bill Cole:
On 5 Nov 2015, at 6:52, David Mehler wrote:
or SA as a milter called directly from my

There is no such thing: SA is not a milter

tell that our spamass-milter setup running for more than a year now rejecting 99% of junk at MTA level (the piece making it through postscreen, spf, ptr/helo, greylisting and what not) with nearly zero false positives

Just to make sure it's clear, because this is an easy bit of authorship to be confused by: David is correct in that spamass-milter isn't spamassassin. It's credited on their manpage to Georg C. F. Greve <gr...@gnu.org> and Dan Nelson <dnel...@allantgroup.com> and GPLv2 licensed.

It falls under the snipped bit of the previous email, milters that can support SA. There's an overlap in concerns that makes it often on-topic here (much like with MD / Postfix / other elements of the mail stack), but we aren't the developers.

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