> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I'm trying to create a rule which will check the results of the ASN
> > plugin. 
> ...
> > As a test I have the following...
> > 
> > ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ASN
> >    header      T_SCS_ASN_EXISTS              exists:X-ASN
> >    header      T_SCS_ASN_ANYTHING            X-ASN =~ /.*/i
> >    header      T_SCS_ASN_ANY_AS              X-ASN =~ /AS[0-9]*/i
> >    header      T_SCS_ASN_AS15169             X-ASN =~ /AS15169/
> >    header      T_SCS_ASN_AS15169B            X-ASN =~ /^AS15169 /
> > endif
> > 
> > On a test message which I sent myself on Friday from my google
> > account and which I am now currently pipping into SpamAssassin at the
> > command line the rules T_SCS_ASN_EXISTS and T_SCS_ASN_ANYTHING
> > trigger but T_SCS_ASN_ANY_AS, T_SCS_ASN_AS15169 and
> > T_SCS_ASN_AS15169B.
> ...
> > rules: ran header rule T_SCS_ASN_ANYTHING ======> got hit: "15169"
> This is why the other tests fail, there's no "AS" before the number.


Thank you! With that in mind I've made the following adjustment and the rule is 
now being triggered.

header      T_SCS_ASN_AS15169C            X-ASN =~ /^15169$/

As to whether this will be helpful in detecting spam I'll let you know.

Kind regards


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