Am 30.11.2015 um 18:30 schrieb Sebastian Arcus:
spamassassin -D  < /path/to/spam-example.eml
Thank you Harald. I did - and it looks like SA does contact lots of
DNSBL's and it receives various messages in reply. Nothing that looks
like failures or errors. I can attach the output here - but it is a lot.
Would this mean that the DNSBL's are working correctly in my setup - but
spammers somehow manage to keep on sending from "clean" domains all the
time - and I should look into some other way of stopping this type of
spam? The messages I'm talking about are typical spam, with one or two
sentences in the email body and one or two links - usually advertising
life insurance, solar panels and similar. None of them are from proper
companies or entities I have ever dealt with

you main problem is that bayes is not working because there are no BAYES_xx tags in your headers - collect as many as possible clear spam *and* clear ham samples, you need at least 200 ham samples to start bayes used

only DNSBL/URIBL and standard rules are not enough for a proper filter

after yor bayes is trained well watch the results and consider to adjust the scores for both ham/spam, the defaults are low by intention to not produce too much false positives for not well enough maintained bayes

at the results below only a small amount of spam makes it through postscreen, spf-policyd, sender-verify and a lot of other well weighted stuff running before SA through spamass-milter

0      53232    SPAM
0      21038    HAM
0    2342167    TOKEN

insgesamt 72M
-rw------- 1 sa-milt sa-milt 10M 2015-11-30 18:54 bayes_seen
-rw------- 1 sa-milt sa-milt 81M 2015-11-30 18:54 bayes_toks

BAYES_00        31951   74.25 %
BAYES_05          832    1.93 %
BAYES_20         1068    2.48 %
BAYES_40          840    1.95 %
BAYES_50         3346    7.77 %
BAYES_60          516    1.19 %
BAYES_80          466    1.08 %
BAYES_95          345    0.80 %
BAYES_99         3664    8.51 %
BAYES_999        3336    7.75 %

DELIVERED       57856   92.91 %
DNSWL           55597   89.28 %
SPF             39967   64.18 %
SPF/DKIM WL     18244   29.29 %
SHORTCIRCUIT    19187   30.81 %

BLOCKED          5654    9.07 %
SPAMMY           4991    8.01 %    88.27 % (OF TOTAL BLOCKED)


crap killed long before SA by 43 combined DNSBL/DNSWL and most bots have a timeout of 10 seconds and so are killed by postscreen_greet_wait = ${stress?1}${stress:11}s              151446              61747                    48915                  37782       26921                     536          449                   418                   43                 24                      6
Total DNSBL rejections:    328287

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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