On 02/12/15 12:55, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 02.12.2015 um 12:51 schrieb Sebastian Arcus:
I hope I'm not exceeding the patience of the list by posting a third
question in two days :-)

I realise the above question is a "soft" question, probably without a
definite "yes" or "no" answer. I am hoping that people with experience
of using SA in various environments might be able to throw in some
opinions. Based on the documentation, it is clearly possible to transfer
a bayes database from one install to another - specially if it is a
sitewide database. What I was wondering is if it is worth doing so from
a results point of view

we use our global bayes on the incoming MX and share it with our submission servers to stop outgoing spam from hacked accounts

additionally we share our bayes with another company which pulls the dumps if the hash file is different every 30 minutes

we as well as the other company does mail hosting on ISP level and the results on both sides are perfect - we share even scorings, whitelists, custom body/subject-rules and the summary is: at least in the same country sharing spamfilter configurations works like a charme

Perfect - that's exactly the sort of real-life based advice I was looking for. Many thanks!

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