On 12/12/2015 02:07 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 11.12.2015 um 20:58 schrieb Axb:
I hate stale data... that's all

how can bayes data be stale?

a spam message is a spam message now, tomorrow and next year
the same especially for ham

over time...
header patterns change
url patterns change
html templates change
rcvd headers change

all this is what bayes uses when it learns from your mailflow.
What isn't seen/used within a cautious period of time can be defined as stale data and therefore safely expired.

or.. how many fresh spams have you seen lately using forged Netscape Communicator headers which were detected by SA rules over a decade ago?
or why do you think SARE rules became useless? (even dangerous).
Why would anyone want to sit on such unused tokens?

While for YOU, Bayes seems to be mission critical, for most setups it's the extra bit to push a score to learning threshold.

There's also practical/financial reasons not to sit on old Bayes data but these should be pretty obvious.

I think this horse can be buried and instead celebrate that Perkel seems happy with his new Redis toy. .-)


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