Is there a reason that headers are left with leading spaces?

I’ve noticed that I have to write rules as:

Subject =~ /^ Great [Jj]ob [Oo]pportunity/

because of the leading space… Given the text of RFC-2822:

NO-WS-CTL       =       %d1-8 /         ; US-ASCII control characters
                        %d11 /          ;  that do not include the
                        %d12 /          ;  carriage return, line feed,
                        %d14-31 /       ;  and white space characters

text            =       %d1-9 /         ; Characters excluding CR and LF
                        %d11 /
                        %d12 /
                        %d14-127 /

FWS             =       ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP) /   ; Folding white space

obs-FWS         =       1*WSP *(CRLF 1*WSP)

utext           =       NO-WS-CTL /     ; Non white space controls
                        %d33-126 /      ; The rest of US-ASCII

unstructured    =       *([FWS] utext) [FWS]

subject         =       "Subject:" unstructured CRLF

Might we consider dropping the first instance of “FWS” preceding the first 
instance of “utext” in “unstructured”?


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