On 12/02/16 19:14, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 12.02.2016 um 20:06 schrieb Marc Perkel:
Any chance that the parent directory structure doesn't have enough

The error message says it can't access it so there's your clue. Since
the files themselves seem to have good permissions I would look at the

see previous mail - that was already verified
looking closer "No such file or directory" is not a permission problem

there was a hint "please re-run with -D"

at least re-use bayes on different servers, even over different operating systems is no problem, or bayes is running on 3 own and 2 foreign machines for a long time now with great results

I've checked and triple checked everything. Unless I'm missing something blindingly obvious, I don't think that error message is accurate. If I delete the bayes files and restart spamd, on running sa-learn, new ones are created in exactly the same place, with same name and same permissions - and they work fine. But the ones brought over from the other server don't work.

PS - Regarding the "re-run with -D for more information" - I guess that message is slightly pointless, as it keeps on saying that even when you run it with "-D"

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