On 13 May 2016, at 15:29, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

On May 13, 2016, at 2:26 PM, Kim Roar Foldøy Hauge <k...@samfunnet.no> wrote:
This is NOT a practical solution. You can't expect administrators to know about this problem, some styles of hostnames not playing well with SA.

Note that this isn't just a 'spamassassin' issue. You will likely experience delivery problems to many hosts as long as your dns or rdns 'looks like' a dynamic system.

While you are at it, make sure your forward and reverse dns match.

1. Use of generic 2nd person is really inappropriate here. The DNS involved isn't under the control of anyone in the conversation, so even if we stipulate that something about the naming is bad and/or wrong, there's no "you" here responsible for any error.

2. The original case in question of webmail- has a perfectly find A record resolving to, which has a PTR resolving back to webmail- So the HELO name is perfectly consistent with DNS. Nothing to fix there.

3. Yes, as a practical matter a mail system architect should be aware of the fact that names which obviously embed IP addresses are viewed with suspicion and avoid them. That's not an issue of principle, it is an issue of recognizing the pragmatic fact that Sturgeon's Law applies to the population of people deploying heuristic spam filters. A competing pragmatic constraint: devising a scalable simple naming scheme for a complex mail system with functionally identical machines whose only obvious differentiator is each one's unique IP address.

4. The fact that SA is probably not alone in detecting that as a dynamic name is no excuse. Note the relevant rule definition:


So a framework is already in place by which exceptions are made to the blanket arbitrary commandment that "Thou Shalt Not Embed IPs In Outbound Mail Server Names!" Currently that's trivial: there's one exception, for cmr-[IP].rogers.com names. I see no reason not to add an exception for webmail-[IP].ig.com.br names, as there is clearly an intent by whoever created HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR to make it smarter than your average random mail admin writing regexes.

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