On Fri, 20 May 2016 15:00:55 +0000
David Jones <djo...@ena.com> wrote:

> >From: Dianne Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>
> >ClamAV is basically useless.
> ClamAV helps a little with the unofficial sigatures.

The operative word here is "a little".

I find that the unofficial signatures that are good at actually catching
bad stuff have extremely high FP rates, while the less-aggressive unofficial
signatures don't catch that much.

> The best thing to do is block as much as you can at the MTA
> level with Postscreen and RBL weights like Reindl posted,
> greylisting,  SMTP helo checks, etc.

That's a fine solution for spam, but not for malware that can end up
costing you or your customer huge amounts of money.  You absolutely
must use a content-scanning technique to block the malware, though of
course the comparatively-cheap up-front tests can reduce the flow



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