On 26 May 2016, at 13:53, Andy Balholm wrote:
Spamass-milter or spamass-milt (http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/spamass-milt/) seems to be the de-facto standard for using SpamAssassin as a milter for Sendmail or Postfix,

On 28.05.16 17:34, Bill Cole wrote:
I'm not sure that's really true. I've never seen any sort of surveys, but I think MIMEDefang is probably a more popular choice because of its more comprehensive filtering feature set: no need for other milters for AV or other filtering or custom .cf code or lame Postfix {header,body}_check filters. It certainly has a more active user community and developer.

accoding to:

sa-milter has more documented installations than mimedefang.
don't know about other distros tho
(ubuntu does have popcpon package - it'd Debian derivative, but I was
lazy to search how popcon.ubuntu.com works)
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