Found what the problem was.

Turns out spamd was running by default with the -L (Use local tests only
(no DNS)) parameter. Removed this and restarted de daemon and voila:

Jun 24 21:21:21 higis-s3 spamd[22778]: spamd: connection from localhost
[::1]:36303 to port 783, fd 5
Jun 24 21:21:21 higis-s3 spamd[22778]: spamd: setuid to vscan succeeded
Jun 24 21:21:21 higis-s3 spamd[22778]: spamd: processing message
<> for
Jun 24 21:21:22 higis-s3 spamd[22778]: spamd: clean message (-2.1/5.0)
for vscan:65 in 1.2 seconds, 2487 bytes.
Jun 24 21:21:22 higis-s3 spamd[22778]: spamd: result: . -2 -
Jun 24 21:21:22 higis-s3 spamd[22776]: prefork: child states: II

On 06/24/2016 08:40 PM, Benny Pedersen wrote:
> On 2016-06-24 20:22, G.H. (Spamassassin) wrote:
>>> I notice that the DNS whitelisting  rules are missing too, and the SPF
>>> rules are replaced by a custom rule LOCAL_SPF_PASS.
>> Correct, I made few SPF rules of my own but that could be the cause I
>> believe?
> i see no spf pass ever here with spamassassin active spf test, but
> seem that spf helo pass works, just not spf testing on envelope sender
> so it could very well be common dns problems
>>> Is it possible that spamd is having a problem with DNS access?
>>> Something that doesn't affect the command line and whatever is adding
>>> Received-SPF.
>> I'll check this.out.
> yes will here aswell, it breaked here when i dropped pypolicyd-spf,
> will see if i can revert this in working order

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