
I dont understand why they would match your spf record either. Are they sended 
out by a IP adres you 'approved' ??

Raymond Dijkxhoorn

> Op 28 jun. 2016 om 03:27 heeft jdebert <jdeb...@garlic.com> het volgende 
> geschreven:
> On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 18:41:04 +0530
> Ram <r...@netcore.co.in> wrote:
>> I am seeing messages that appear to come from the MD or the CEO of
>> the company to the accounts department asking people to transfer
>> money to some fake account
>> These messages were initially few and I ignored. But now this has
>> become a problem.
>> I know these are not spam messages so catching them will be out of
>> scope for a spam filter.
>> These messages have different envelope ids  so SPF checks always pass.
>> The header from is properly formatted exactly how it will be in a
>> normal mail
>> What measures do you take for such spear phishing
>> Thanks
>> Ram
> You're not using the proper tools. you cannot expect spamassassin to
> magically prevent all such messages. Just because spamassassin or any
> other filter passes such a message does not mean it is valid. To use
> spamassassin and filters to block such messages gives a false sense
> of security and leads to false assumptions of authenticity. Your company
> must enforce strict AP controls to prevent payouts based on such
> messages and the controls must apply to everyone, including the CEO. Those 
> are the proper tools. 
> Given that these messages are appearing more frequently, it may be that
> some have already been successful. I suggest you consider an AP audit
> to ensure that this is not the case

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