On 2016-07-01 21:08, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

I tried also with --ipv4-only, but it doesn't work, I'm still receiving the following error "spamc[22477]: connect to spamd on ::1 failed, retrying (#1
of 3): Connection refused".

What is the line or lines containing "localhost" in /etc/hosts?  You'll
need to comment out the one with the IPv6 address (::1), and leave the
one with IPv4 address ( uncommented.

This is all assuming you run spamd and spamc on the same host.  If not,
please tell us about the network setup between the two hosts.

add ipv4 hostname to /etc/hosts ipv4.localdomain ipv4
::2 ipv6.localdomain ipv6

now this can be used as hostname for dual stacking servers

do not change localhost being default dual stacked

http://ipv6bingo.com/ :=)

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