Benny Pedersen wrote on 4/07/16 9:47 AM:
> On 2016-07-03 23:34, Groach wrote:
>> On 03/07/2016 23:29, Reindl Harald wrote:

It turns out that this mailing list software gives me only a bigger hammer
than I wanted to use. I cannot place individuals under moderation so I can
review their posts before allowing them through. The best I can do is to add a
name to a list of senders whose posts are rejected. They will continue to
receive the mailing list.

I will do that if necessary without further comment. Send the off-topic/toxic
emails to each other if you can't help yourself from posting them, but not to
this list.

Here is an excerpt of my post from last month about off-topic posts. I
recognize that this post is off-topic by my own definition. My prerogative as

This is the SpamAssassin users mailing list. Discussions related to
SpamAssassin are fine. Rudely insulting someone, even if they are as
frustrating stupid as you claim is off topic. Telling someone how rude they
are is off topic. Explaining how someone's apparent rudeness was just an
innocent mistake caused by a culture difference in how they write their name
is off topic. Complaining that someone should do something about the off topic
messages or we should all stay on topic is off topic.


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