> :0:
> * ? formail -x"From:" -x"From" -x"Sender:" | egrep -is -f $HOME/.whitelist

>>>I assume you checked his explicit whitelisted senders file????

Indeed only 2 addresses:




> :0fw:
> | /usr/bin/spamc


:0fw: spamassassin.lock
> * < 256000
> | spamassassin

You pass it through spamc, and if spamc doesn't score it as spam you then
pass it through spamassassin?

Why the duplication?>>>

This is what I walked into a month ago and why I'm posting here. I'm
looking for advice on best practice here to get it right. Also, doesn't the
user's .procmailrc take precedence and skip the other configuration files?


> :0
> * ^^rom[ ]
> {
>  LOG="*** Dropped F off From_ header! Fixing up. "
>  :0 fhw
>  | sed -e '1s/^/F/'
> }

This should probably be before you attempt delivery to CaughtSpam,
otherwise you might be corrupting that folder.>>>>

Thanks I moved it just above the Caughspam rule.

>>>To echo Reindl, it doesn't look like that message was scanned by SA at

So what else can I check?

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