no point in spamming freee maillists so ?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: New domain blacklist options available.
Date: 2016-08-18 15:46
From: "Benjamin E. Nichols" <>
To: Benny Pedersen <>

Because we dont work for free bonehead.

 Benjamin  E. Nichols

1-405-397-1360 [1]

------ Orig inal message------

FROM: Benny Pedersen

DATE: Thu, Aug 18, 2016 8:45 AM



SUBJECT:Re: New domain blacklist options available.

On 2016-08-18 04 [2]:39, Benjamin E. Nichols wrote:> We heard you loud
and clear, you wanted our enhanced blacklists in a> similar archive/file
structure as shallalist and urlblacklist for your> web filtering
platform, so we finally did it! Available now to all...why is this
posted on a free maillist ?, and you like to get money from it ?< /pre>

[1] tel:1-405-397-1360
[2] tel:2016-08-1804

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