
>>>> Is there any ability to determine if a particular attachment has a
>>>> Word macro enclosed in addition to just having a Word document?
>>> that's the hob of clamav and the sa-plugin for it
>>> "OLE2BlockMacros yes" in case of a scored SA plugin won't block but add
>>> the
>>> score of that clamd-instance, for unconditional block of other things you
>>> typically have a calmd-instance with different config running as
>>> unconditional milter
>> Yeah, that's unacceptable to me.
>> I can't accept obscuring whether a particular attachment has a macro
>> virus and instead just be notified only that it has a macro. That's
>> effectively saying it's necessary to outright block all macros or risk
>> allowing attachments with macro viruses to be passed unencumbered.
>> I was looking for another way to link macros with spamassassin, as the
>> amavisd/clamd approach is broken.
> The reality of the world is:
> 1) block/quarantine/encumber/tag all documents that have a macro.
> 2) allow them thru unencumbered and risk delivering documents that might
> have a macro virus.

That won't work. I can't tell my users they can no longer receive a
significant percentage of Word documents any longer.

> I assume that you already have an AV that will block/quarantine -known-
> macro viruses.

Yes, clamav, and sophos, but sophos sucks worse than clamav.

> You say "that's unacceptable to me"
> What is 'acceptable' to you? Unless you find some magical prescient
> anti-virus that can accurately predict all possible macro viruses with out
> FPs I don't know what else can be done.

No, you're not understanding the specific problem.

The problem (with clamav) is that it can identify macro viruses and
block them (through spamd/amavisd/whatever) or it can identify files
that have macros (which may or may not be viruses) and let them pass
or categorically reject/block them.

It can't identify files that have macros separately from files that
have macro viruses.

Further, F-Secure has a much better rate of success with blocking
macro viruses than clamav or sophos, based on this same email being
passed on to another system managed by a popular antispam company
before being forwarded on to its final destination.

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