Huh, why are people getting hung up on this?

The distinction is based on who the DNS server will consult to provide
a response to a question.

An authoritative server consults its local authoritative zone
database.  It may or may not be willing to consult someone else for
questions not in its database; as someone else posted, most
Internet-facing authoritative servers refuse to provide answers for
zones not in their local authoritative database.

A recursive server is willing to consult other servers to provide an
answer.  If the answer is not in its local database (or indeed if it
has no local authoritative database), then it's willing to query other
name servers to chase down the answers.

A forwarding server is a special case of recursive server:  It's willing
to ask another server for the answer, but in the case of forward-only
servers, it's only willing to ask a predefined server or servers for the
answer and not go chasing it wherever the DNS leads.  In the case of a
forward-first server, it first tries its predefined server(s) and then
becomes willing to chase it wherever the DNS leads.

A given server may be any combination of authoritative, recursive and
forwarding depending on the zone.



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