Good point. Although since ubuntu 16.x systemD is the default init system, 
which begs the question, was the system upgraded or is this a fresh install? 

> On Dec 7, 2016, at 7:59 AM, wrote:
> Since you appear to have both kinds of init files (sysV and systemd),
> you may want to doublecheck which init system is actually running.
> I'm pretty sure you can figure it out by running "dpkg -S /sbin/init"
> (this tells you which package owns that file).  It will probably say
> systemd-sysv, in which case you'll want to follow Shawn's
> instruction.  If it says upstart, then you'll most likely need to edit
> /etc/init.d/spamassassin instead.
> On Wed, 7 Dec 2016, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:
>> Yeah... it's missing the "after" directive in the [unit] section, which
>> would have systemD wait until the other services (targets) are up. But also
>> as Marc mentioned not sure why you would use Monit since systemD (for all
>> it's issues) does monitor daemons and makes sure to spawn them again if they
>> die for any reason. 
>> although according to the Monit wiki you can run it with systemD
>> (, just not sure what the advantages
>> are.
>> You should have something like this:
>> [unit]
>> ...
>> ...
>> You can add any target to after directive in [unit] to make sure it's up
>> before SA starts.
>>      On Dec 6, 2016, at 8:39 PM, Michael Heuberger
>>      <> wrote:
>> Thanks Shawn
>> Here the contents on my server:
>> michael.heuberger@binarykitchen /l/s/system ❯❯❯ cat
>> spamassassin.service
>> [Unit]
>> Description=Perl-based spam filter using text analysis
>> [Service]
>> Type=forking
>> PIDFile=/var/run/
>> EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/spamassassin
>> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/spamd -d --pidfile=/var/run/
>> ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
>> [Install]
>> Does this seem to be outdated and wrong?
>> - Michael
>> On 7/12/16 09:29, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:
>>      With Ubuntu 16.10 you should be using systemd. 
>> you can enable dependencies (after directive) which can make
>> sure that all the services you need are started prior to (in the
>> case of SA) the service you want.  
>> Check your systemD service configuration file:
>> /usr/lib/systemd/system/spamassassin.service (or wherever your
>> systemD config files are stored on Ubuntu.
>> The content should be something like:
>> [Unit]
>> Description=Spamassassin daemon
>> Wants=sa-update.timer
>> [Service]
>> EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/spamassassin
>> ExecStart=/usr/bin/spamd $SPAMDOPTIONS
>> StandardOutput=null
>> StandardError=null
>> Restart=always
>> [Install]
>> Notice that systemd waits for syslog and network to complete
>> before it launches spamassassin. 
>> Checkout this document if you have not and are still using
>> upstart.
>>      On Dec 6, 2016, at 9:40 AM, wrote:
>> I recently set up an email server on Ubuntu 14.10 and kept
>> being
>> frustrated that on boot various filter software and
>> related milters
>> were regularly starting after sendmail, sometimes by as
>> much as five
>> minutes.  We don't reboot that server very often, so it
>> took a while
>> to test various fixes, but in the end I added the
>> following lines to
>> the INIT INFO section of various milters (it's really only
>> the first
>> one that matters for startup):
>> # X-Start-Before:    sendmail
>> # X-Stop-After:      sendmail
>> If postfix uses an /etc/init.d script like sendmail does
>> on 14.10,
>> check to see what the "Provides:" part of the INIT INFO is
>> (probably
>> postfix), and add an X-Start-Before line with tha value to
>> the
>> spamassassin init script.  Or, if you just want to make
>> sure that SA
>> starts before monit, use whatever the "Provides:" is set
>> to in the
>> monit init script.
>> If you have a mixture of SysV (regular) and upstart
>> script, things get
>> more complicated (unless 16.10 introduces functionality to
>> make
>> dependencies interoperable that doesn't exist in 14.10).
>> On Tue, 6 Dec 2016, Michael Heuberger wrote:
>>      Hi David
>>      I dont know. Not sure how I can find this out
>>      whether it does some DNS/network stuff.
>>      In my other response to John you can see that
>>      it takes about 5.69 sec to start spamassassin.
>>      And no idea how to configure a SA startup
>>      dependency on the network being up. And
>>      shouldn't that come along with the package
>>      when installed via apt-get?
>>      - Michael
>>      On 6/12/16 11:47, David B Funk wrote:
>>            Could it be some kind if
>>            interaction with other system
>>            services startup?
>>            (in particular this feels like a
>>            network timeout issue).
>>            One of the things SA does during
>>            its startup process is check to
>>            see if
>>            DNS/network stuff is available.
>>            If the system hasn't yet brought
>>            up the network stack when SA
>>            starts, it
>>            may hang waiting for the network
>>            to stabilize.
>>            On a running system, if you
>>            stop/restart SA do you see the
>>            same delay or
>>            is it only on a cold start of the
>>            system?
>>            Is it possible to configure a SA
>>            starup dependency on the network
>>            being
>>            up?
>> --
>> Public key #7BBC68D9 at            |                 Shane
>> Williams
>>                |      System Admin -
>> UT CompSci
>> =----------------------------------+-------------------------------
>> All syllogisms contain three lines |
>> Therefore this is not a syllogism  |
> -- 
> Public key #7BBC68D9 at            |                 Shane Williams
>                |      System Admin - UT CompSci
> =----------------------------------+-------------------------------
> All syllogisms contain three lines |    
> Therefore this is not a syllogism  |

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