On Wednesday, January 18, 2017, I wrote:

>I would like to write a rule to compare the rDNS lookup of the 
>sender's IP address to a regular expression.  I have written 
>super simple URI rules for /etc/spamassassin/local.cf (Debian 
>Linux system) like this:
>uri         LOCAL_AWSURI /.*amazonaws\.com/
>score       LOCAL_AWSURI 2.6
>describe    LOCAL_AWSURI Links to site at amazonaws.com
>which work as expected.  But my Google searches for examples 
>or discussion must be the wrong search terms, as the search 
>results are about other topics, not the one I want.
>Can someone provide an example or point me toward 
>documentation of how to write such a rule?

Thank you for the helpful responses!

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