Ian Zimmerman wrote:
On 2017-04-18 10:17, Robert Steinmetz wrote:

     tty is in /usr/bin
But it is stty, not tty, which fails to be found.  And stty is
(normally) in /bin.  So it looks a lot like /bin (and probably /sbin) is
missing from the PATH.
Yes thanks stty is in /bin
This could be related to the long-advertised switch to a unified /usr
tree.  Perhaps Ubuntu went ahead with that switch but some packages
haven't been updated to reflect it?
I'm not familiar with that.
One other thing which springs to mind is the distinction between login,
interactive, and other shells.  Double-check in which shell startup file
you set the PATH.
The users login shell is /bin/sh
I often sudo bash if I am doing a lot of admin work, rather that typing sudo for each command
The script begins with #!/usr/bin/perl -T -w which invokes perl
when I invoke sudo sh I get the same results although every interactive shell I have tried includes /bin /sbin /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
Some have a couple more options.

BTW, plain text (not HTML) would be appreciated.
I wasn't sure of the protocol here but I thought I had. I'll try to remember.
Robert Steinmetz, AIA
Steinmetz & Associates


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