Actually doesn't decode to because in the
absence of a "-" separator "example" would be treated as encoded
non-ascii characters.  

This means that it's impossible to encode an ASCII domain as an IDN
because each decoded label has to encode back to the original.

On 30.04.17 08:35, Pedro David Marco wrote:
Even if you decode it properly, how do you it is a fake domain? (given it is 
not blacklisted anywhere, etc..)

aren't three CVE's enough?<>

is the domain different if i use the Latin letter "a" or the Cyrillic 
"a"? are they the same or not?
Maybe the simplest solution as of now is to score just a little bit any URL starting by 
"xn--" as sign of hunch growing...

did any sane domain owner, who registered domain with similar name to avoid
typosquatting, send mail containing the similar name?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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