>From: Marc Perkel <supp...@junkemailfilter.com>
>Might be slightly off topic but I've been running into more delivery
>problems with outgoing email because I don't use DMARC. I don't know a 
>lot about it but is there some simple way I can get around this? Kind of 
>a pain in the rear.

What kind of problems are you seeing.  If you don't DKIM sign messages
or publish a _dmarc.example.com TXT record then there shouldn't be any
problems.  A valid SPF record with "~all" or "-all" is a must these days.

Is Google complaining about something in a bounce response?

You should setup DMARC anyway since it's gaining more traction much
like SPF did a few years ago.  DKIM signing is the next step if you already
have your SPF setup.

The best part about DMARC is it's reporting feature that can tell you
how the Internet sees your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC alignment and who
is sending as your domain.  This can help you fine tune or verify that
your SPF record is good so you can set "-all" for maximum effect.  Then
when you have your DMARC fine tuned and verified correct, you can
set "p=reject" for maximum spoof protection.  This is where we all
should be headed soon.


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