>From: David Dodell <da...@d2net.net>
>I've noticed that my rules are not updating anymore. 

>I'm on SpamAssassin 3.3.2 

>So I get this error; 

>dns:2.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org => 3.3 1786853, parsed as 3 
>current version is 1786853, new version is 3, skipping channel 

>I've tried googling the error, checking the SA website ... but can't
>find any discussion of this.

>If I do a DNS lookup of: 

>2.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org  canonical name = 

>DNS then can not find 3.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org; tried some
>off-site DNS lookups, and they too can not find 3.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org

Sorry about that.  I am working on getting the rule update scripts
working again on our master server.  I think I know what is going
on so I should be able to revert my changes to get 3.3.2 sa-update
working again.  It must not be able to handle the CNAME like newer
versions of sa-update can.

>From what I can tell, all versions of SA 3.3.0 and above are compatible
with the same rules so I was hoping to only have to do rule validation
against a single version 3.3.3 and set the DNS TXT record for 3.3.3.  It
appears I am going to have to adjust the script slightly to also set a direct
TXT for 3.3.2 and not use a CNAME like newer versions of sa-update

BTW, I hope to have the rules updating very soon so we can continue
with the ruleqa processing and scoring updates.  I know there are a
couple of rule updates needed so I am working very hard and many
hours to get this going as soon as possible.


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