If I recall correctly (and it's been a while), I was seeing false
positives where t.co was matching t.com (or something like that) so I
was only paying attention to the need to not allow an alpha-num.
Short-sighted, I know (and I might have forgotten that \b isn't a
character match).

The regex I use to anchor tlds these days (and please tell me if this
doesn't work the way I intend) looks like:

uri  NEWTLD_URI  /\.(accountant|beer|bid|......|win|work|xyz)\b[^\.-]/i

I have slightly different regexes to match email addresses or server
names in headers, but they all basically express the rule "I need to
see a word boundary here, but certain non-word characters don't count
because it implies the domain name may continue in the given context"

On Fri, 8 Sep 2017, RW wrote:

On Fri, 8 Sep 2017 13:03:57 -0400
Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

On 9/8/2017 12:24 PM, Robert Boyl wrote:
Hello, everyone!

Is there a way to create a Spamassassin rule that checks for a
certain URL suffix such as .ru but makes sure it has to be at the
end of the URI? Ends with string.


Yes, it's called an anchor and Shane Williams a long time ago gave me
some advice on that I used in this rule:

uri             __KAM_SHORT

That doesn't look right, at least not in the context of the OP's

In  (\/|$|\b)  the \b seems superfluous as it will match a boundary
between a letter and a '.' so the rule will for example match


Public key #7BBC68D9 at            |                 Shane Williams
http://pgp.mit.edu/                |      System Admin - UT CompSci
All syllogisms contain three lines |              sha...@shanew.net
Therefore this is not a syllogism  | www.ischool.utexas.edu/~shanew

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