On 09/19/2017 07:23 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
Is it purposeful extra space though that might indicate spaminess? Spample?

On September 19, 2017 8:13:09 AM EDT, RW <rwmailli...@googlemail.com> wrote:

    On Tue, 19 Sep 2017 09:27:13 +0100
    Sebastian Arcus wrote:

        I've had a number of emails with no subject not triggering the
        MISSING_SUBJECT rule - only to discover that the spammers have added
        a white space after 'Subject:' - which appears to fool the code
        thinking that there is an actual subject. Would it be possible to
        'smarten up' the code a bit to recognise this?

    The space doesn't make a difference.

    The test is for a missing subject not an empty subject. Some  people
    send emails without setting a subject but the client will normally
    still add the header.

I have had these in place for years. Maybe Kevin can consolidate and integrate this into his KAM.cf so I could remove them or we could eventually get them into the default SA ruleset after some testing.

header          ENA_SUBJ_IS_SPACE       Subject =~ /^ $/
describe        ENA_SUBJ_IS_SPACE       Subject is a space
score           ENA_SUBJ_IS_SPACE       3.2

header          ENA_SUBJ_ONLY_SPACES    Subject =~ /^\s+$/
describe ENA_SUBJ_ONLY_SPACES Subject is empty or only spaces commonly used by spammers to get around subject checks
score           ENA_SUBJ_ONLY_SPACES    2.2

header ENA_SUBJ_ONLY_FWD Subject =~ /(^Fw:\s+$|^Fw\s+$|^Fwd:\s+$|^Fwd\s+$|^Fwd: \(\d\)$|^Fwd: \[\d\]$)/i
describe        ENA_SUBJ_ONLY_FWD       Subject is only "Fwd:"
score           ENA_SUBJ_ONLY_FWD       2.2

header ENA_SUBJ_ONLY_RE Subject =~ /(^Re:\s+$|^Re\s+$|^Re: \(\d\)$|^Re: \[\d\]$)/i
describe        ENA_SUBJ_ONLY_RE        Subject is only "Re:"
score           ENA_SUBJ_ONLY_RE        2.2

header ENA_SUBJ_LONG_WORD Subject =~ /\b[^[:space:][:punct:]]{30}/
describe        ENA_SUBJ_LONG_WORD      Subject has a very long word
score           ENA_SUBJ_LONG_WORD      2.2

header ENA_SUBJ_ODD_CASE Subject =~ /(?:[[:lower:]][[:upper:]].{0,15}){3}/
describe        ENA_SUBJ_ODD_CASE       Subject has odd case
score           ENA_SUBJ_ODD_CASE       3.2

David Jones

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