Hi list

I have an "issue" with my spamassassin where a test hits although it
I use fuglu as mail scanning daemon which has plugins for spamassassin
and the av-scanners I use. The av-scanner-plugins set a header with the
status of its findings, so the later spamassassin plugin can test for
this header

The header of a clean message look like this

X-Virus-SophosAV-Status: Clean

and my spamassassin tests

header          __SOPHOS_HIT            X-Virus-SophosAV-Status !~
header          __SOPHOS_HEADER         exists:X-Virus-SophosAV-Status

header          SOPHOS_EICAR_TEST       X-Virus-SophosAV-Status =~ /Infected
describe        SOPHOS_EICAR_TEST       eicar test file found

meta            SOPHOS_HIT              ( !SOPHOS_EICAR_TEST &&
describe        SOPHOS_HIT              hit by sophos antivirus

The issue arises when I reprocess a message which already has the sophos
clean header through fuglu.
The fuglu plugin adds another "X-Virus-SophosAV-Status: Clean" header
(so they appear twice) but then the following spamassassin plugin
matches SOHPOS_HIT
Does spamassassin somehow concatenate the values of headers with the
same name so the regexp does not match "/^clean$/i" anymore?



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