On 10/04/2017 10:23 AM, Alex wrote:
Hi, we have a user complaining about receiving email from a solar
panel company and want us to block it. The problem is that it
originates from mailchimp, which is whitelisted.

It's my belief that mailchimp is safe to whitelist (mcsv.net).
However, what happens when an email is received that needs to be
blocked? Do you just report it?

Chances are probably good that I could click the "unsubscribe" link
and just unsubscribe the user, and will probably do that, but I'm
looking for a more general solution.

I'll also report the sender to mailchimp, but the email looks like
they're following all the rules. The sender is

Should I block the From address in postfix?

Is it possible to blacklist the From when the sender is whitelisted?

MailChimp is a good sender that handles abuse reports properly. Just unsubscribe the recipient. If I remember correctly, they have a feedback option for "I never subscribed to this email" which will register a complaint. Too many complaints and the sender will get banned/blocked.


MailChimp's policy is to only use opt-in lists. If you report a sender to their abuse and it's found their customer was using bad lists of contacts, they will get banned. I have reported some senders to MailChimp lately and they have handled the sender properly.

I bet this user signed up for this email somehow, possibly a while ago and has forgotten about doing so. So many times, when you register for accounts on websites, the check box to opt-in to a mailing list is already checked and most users don't take the time to read the page and uncheck the box before clicking OK/Accept. My Mom is really bad about this and she gets a ton of junk in her Gmail Inbox that is technically legit.

David Jones

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