I've found several references to this problem via Google & the list
archives, but never any answers.

When checking out from *some* clients (one in particular), I get the
following errors in my Apache error log on a regular basis:

[Fri Jan 15 12:33:57 2010] [error] [client IP] Provider encountered an
error while streaming a REPORT response.  [500, #0]
[Fri Jan 15 12:33:57 2010] [error] [client IP] A failure occurred
while driving the update report editor  [500, #190004]

My SVN server is CollabNet's distribution of 1.5.2 running on Windows
2003 with the default configuration of Apache that's included.

We have the most difficulty when performing a build using AnthillOS on
another Windows 2003 server. HOWEVER, I have three servers running
identical versions of AnthillOS, checking out from the same SVN
server. Only one of them generates these errors.

I have multiple copies of my project being built on each server, but
they are done sequentially. Sometimes one or two of the builds will
work OK; eventually it'll get to the point where all of them fail. I'm
left with a partial checkout of the WC; if I run svn update manually
while logged into the server, it completes successfully.

If I restart Apache, it seems to run OK...for a while. I have a
checkout running right now and I'm showing httpd using about 33MB of

This is slowing our development processes significantly, as we're
forced to re-attempt each build multiple times. Our change management
processes are designed around doing the builds (which also involve
tagging) through AnthillOS, so I can't just push it through manually
without additional administrative overhead.

Has anyone found any resolution to this? I've seen references to this
happening as recently as SVN 1.6.1. Do I have to schedule regular
restarts of the service? Is there a configuration option I can change?

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