On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 09:27, Andy Levy <andy.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 08:55, Mark Phippard <markp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Andy Levy <andy.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> You should be able to just edit the %AppData%\Subversion\servers file
>>>> on the client to tell it to use Serf over Neon (assuming your binaries
>>>> support it).
>>>> [global]
>>>> http-library = serf
>>>> If Anthill uses SVNKit then I am not sure what you can do other than
>>>> increase the timeout on the server.
>>> I'll experiment some with the client config this morning, thanks.
>>> I'm not presently capturing User-Agent in my httpd logs - if I was,
>>> would that help me identify whether a client is using Serf or Neon?
>> Neon is the default so it is pretty unlikely someone would be using
>> Serf.  I do not think the User-Agent identifies which library is used.
>>  It does however, tell you if SVNKit is being used.
>> The request pattern in the logs between Serf and Neon is very
>> different and that would be the main giveaway.  An update with Neon is
>> mostly a single large REPORT request.  With Serf it is a small REPORT
>> request followed by a GET for each resource you need to update.
> Looks like Anthill can't use serf, my logs show the same pattern
> between yesterday & today. I know that the client config is being
> picked up from the right place because use-commit-times is being
> honored.
> Here's what I'm seeing:
> - - [17/Jan/2010:20:56:02 -0500] "PROPFIND PATH HTTP/1.1" 207 736
> - - [17/Jan/2010:20:56:02 -0500] "REPORT
> /Repos/Code/!svn/vcc/default HTTP/1.1" 200 883378845
> 883MB response being streamed back to the client, I guess the default
> 5 minute timeout isn't quite enough sometimes.
> The way I have things configured, Anthill is checking out a copy of
> the project while Tomcat is finishing the deployment of the previous
> build into its temp/working directory. Maybe these overlapped
> I/O-intensive tasks are slowing each other down? Often the first build
> succeeds, and subsequent ones fail. I'll have to try doing them
> independently later today.

It was definitely the I/O doing it. When doing the builds of each
project separately (not chaining them one after the other
automatically), everything runs properly. It's slowing the checkout
down enough that Apache times out.

Thanks for the pointer on neon vs. serf & the access log pattern. I
just wish I had a more automatic way to do the builds without a major
reconfiguration of that server.

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