On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 09:14, Asbjørn Sæbø <gaff...@live.com> wrote:
> Assume the following situation: There is a repository  my_repo, structured 
> like this:
> my_repo
> my_repo/trunk
> my_repo/trunk/a
> my_repo/trunk/a/file.h
> my_repo/trunk/b
> where my_repo/trunk/b has an svn:external to import the contents of my_repo/a.
> That is, b will have the contents of a external-ed in.
> Is this valid and sound SVN?

Yes, just be careful to avoid any recursive externals - having an
external in a pointing at b, while having an external in b pointing at
a, would probably result in your WC filling all available disk space.
Last I knew, Subversion did not check for recursion in externals.

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