Greetings, Asbjørn Sæbø!

> Assume the following situation: There is a repository  my_repo, structured 
> like this:

> my_repo
> my_repo/trunk
> my_repo/trunk/a
> my_repo/trunk/a/file.h
> my_repo/trunk/b

> where my_repo/trunk/b has an svn:external to import the contents of my_repo/a.
> That is, b will have the contents of a external-ed in.

> Is this valid and sound SVN?

I'm pretty sure file duplication is not valid in any development process, it's
not a question of versioning.
Ask yourself what REALLY you're trying to achieve. Other than creating a mess
that not reflect your workspace.

 Andrey Repin ( 25.01.2010, <17:48>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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