On Wednesday 03 February 2010, esatel wrote:
> If I do the following:
> 1. Create a branch  around trunk revision 1598

What is a "branch around trunk"? Or, do you mean a branch around the time that 
trunk had revision 1598? If so, you have a conceptual error here, as it is 
not trunk that has that revision but the _whole_ _repository_. This is 
explained in the FAQ.

> 2. Work a bit further on the trunk and commit (I don't think this is
> necessary, but the repository is too busy to exclude)
> 3. Someone else works and commits on the branch (I don't think this is
> necessary)
> 4. I abandon the trunk and check out the branch fresh

What is "abandon the trunk"? Also, "check out the branch fresh", did the other 
person in step 3 work on the same working copy or just on the branch?

> 5. cd into the branch
> 6. svn merge URL_TO_TRUNK
> I get conflicts on seemingly every file that got altered at least in the
> trunk. Every file in the trunk is involved in the merge and if it isn't
> a conflict it is marked "A" for added. One of the progress messages says
> this:
> --- Merging r2 through 1606 into .
> Obviously svn is trying to merge the entire trunk, including thousands
> of revisions that should have been part of the branch when it was
> created.

Just wondering, how was it created?

> Or am I doing something wrong?

I'm not entirely sure about merging full paths, but I think specifying a range 
of revisions to merge should get you going. 'svn log -l 1 BRANCH_URL' should 
tell you when the branch was created, merging the changes from that revision 
to HEAD should be what you want.


FAQ: http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html
Docs: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/

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