Hi, i am trying to set the svn:ignore property of a specific folder to "*",
so that all files and folders inside this folder are beeing ignored by svn.
Somehow i don't get this done, i tried lots of different aproaches, but it
always seems as if the pattern is beeing expanded, so that either the
command fails, or the property it beeing set to the wrong value.

Target folder> svn propset svn:ignore * .
( command is executed on all contents of . with property value ".svn" (??))

Target folder> svn propset svn:ignore "*" .
( same result)

Target folder> svn propset svn:ignore "\*" .
( error: "\xxx is not a working copy" )

Target folder> svn propset svn:ignore "^*" .
(no expansion takes place, but property is set to "^*")


What would be the way to do what i want? Why is this so difficult? Where
does the expansion take place, is it the command line, or is ist svn? If it
is svn, should the property value not be used without expansion?


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