J. Bakshi wrote:
Hello list,

Could any one suggest me a good svn GUI client for linux ? I have
already found esvn as a nice one. aptana is there but it is a java baded
IDE with svn plugin support and aptana is HUGE... Apart from these two
rapidsvn is tehre and I have also found pysvn based on python. I am
searching for a client which is fat free ( that's why I don't use kdesvn
) and just provides all svn functionalities. Any recommendation ?

Eclipse with subclipse is another java based IDE. Normally if you use GUI's you want integrated functionality so you don't have to open/close separate windows and wait for apps to start for each operation. Eclipse is big but does about everything you need internally - or has plugins for it.

If you mostly want to browse the repository visually, you might like one of the web interfaces, viewvc or svnweb.

  Les Mikesell

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