Do you want something that integrates directly with the Linux File
Browser? If you are using GNOME and the Nautilus browser, you can try

If you are using KDE and Konqueror. Try KSvn: I don't know of a plugin for Dolphin.

RapidSVN is also very popular: and is
independent of the browser.

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 2:45 AM, J. Bakshi <> wrote:
> Hello list,
> Could any one suggest me a good svn GUI client for linux ? I have
> already found esvn as a nice one. aptana is there but it is a java baded
> IDE with svn plugin support and aptana is HUGE... Apart from these two
> rapidsvn is tehre and I have also found pysvn based on python. I am
> searching for a client which is fat free ( that's why I don't use kdesvn
> ) and just provides all svn functionalities. Any recommendation ?
> Thanks
> --
> জয়দীপ বক্সী

David Weintraub

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