On 2010-03-23 17:11, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> Hi Alec,
> I remember your patch. It looked pretty simple and OK to me, but
> I didn't feel confident enough about my own understanding of what
> the patch really does.
> I understand that not receiving much response to your patch won't exactly
> encourage you to contribute further, so I will try to take a look at it again.
> I'd like to be able to test it though. First I'll need to find time to read
> about SASL and realms (ie. figure out what we're really talking about).
> If you can speed this up by giving me a hint as to what to read, that would
> be great. If you can also help me with setting up a proper test environment 
> that
> would be even nicer! I will try to get something set up with the instructions
> you gave Remi. If I run into problems I'll get back to you.
> Oh, and if one of you feels like doing a proper write up, a patch to the
> svnbook which documents how to set this up would be most lovely.
> If your patch gets lost again please feel free to keep pinging me about it.
> I will eventually get to it. If the patch is not already in the issue
> tracker please feel free to add it there, to an issue with milestone 1.7.0.

Sure thing.  I'll try to write up a giant setup script for the whole
deal.  Note that my patch is mostly important in cross-realm cases which
are more likely to occur in GSSAPI authentication cases rather than the
ldap cases, so it'll be a big setup script (build two test Kerberos
realms, configure cross-realm principals, configure svnserve, etc.).
It'll be my shell scripting exercise for the week and it'll stand as
permanent documentation for how to get GSSAPI+svnserve working.  :)

alec.kl...@oracle.com                   Oracle Middleware
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