Hi there,

here's what I've noticed:

C:\svn>svnadmin create test
C:\svn>svn co file:///C:/svn/test test-wc
C:\svn>cd test-wc
C:\svn\test-wc>svn mkdir folder
C:\svn\test-wc>svn ci -m "Created folder"
C:\svn\test-wc>svn up

Up until this point everything is normal. But if I manually remove the
folder now like this

C:\svn\test-wc>rd /S folder

and then create one with the same name

C:\svn\test-wc>md folder

and then do an update

C:\svn\test-wc>svn up

the folder is shown as deleted even though subversion has not been notified
about this fact (as in svn rm has not been issued anywhere).

Furthermore reverting the working copy does not work and updates skip the
"folder" resource completely.

I perfectly understand that right at the point where I've deleted the folder
by hand and created one with the same name I've committed a crime but either
way the client should be immune to such situation. After all I'm not
modifying the content of .svn folder by hand but the client does in a
destructive manner.

Best regards,

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