On Apr 23, 2010, at 17:14, yixiaodafang wrote:

> I want to know whether I can have one project link to two different
> server. Here is what I want to do. First I check out the project from
> official server. During the time, I will make a lot of intermediate
> changes before I finanlly commit them into the official server. Since
> not all the changes will be in the final release and a lot of testing
> code that should not be checked into the official server. I created
> another repository in another computer. I checked all code I got from
> official server to the new computer. During the work, I will check the
> changes to the second computer for testing and development. After
> everything works and cleanup the code, then I will check the code to
> the official server. I want to know how can I switch between the two
> servers during the development.

No, that's not how Subversion works.

You could look into svk, which is based on Subversion, works with existing 
Subversion repositories, and I believe does let you work that way.

But the usual way to do what you're asking would be to create a branch on the 
official server and do your intermediate work on that branch, then merge it to 
the trunk when you're done.

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