On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Je suis la poubelle <laps...@gmail.com>wrote:

>     Thanks for your reply.
>     My company has developers aboard accessing our SVN server through
> VPN and they're always complaining that transmissions are very slow.
> That's why I'm trying to find where the problem is.

If you are using http or https, there are significant latency issues
associated with the Subversion protocol, due in part to the number of
roundtrips made to the server for each connection.   Subversion 1.7
introduces a new version of the protocol which removes most of the
latencies, and should speed things up significantly.

    I was pretty sure there's compression and I'd like to dismiss
> this as a possible cause.  But when I want to confirm it on Tigris
> foum, I got a rather unfriendly reply:
> http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4061&dsMessageId=2616471

I think the gist of that message was "please let us know where you got such
information" and "please read the documentation before asking questions
answered therein".  Both are reasonable requests, though could potentially
have been framed better.  You are must more likely to get assistance if you
demonstrate you have done your own research prior to asking questions here.

>     Is there any difference between SVN and Subversion, btw?

'svn' is the name of the commandline binary, and a common nick-name from


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