Hi Joe, it's been a while.

Take a look at CollabNet Subversion Edge, it takes care of all this for you.  
See http://www.collab.net/svnedge


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 7, 2010, at 4:10 PM, "Joe Baumgarten" <jbaumgar...@aldon.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to get ViewVC running on a windows system. I have downloaded 
> ViewVC 1.1.6, Python 2.6 and the Python windows extensions.  I am running 
> Subversion 1.5.2 (r32768) on a Windows pc.
> The instructions provided by ViewVC tell me that For Subversion support, I'll 
> need to have the Subversion Python bindings installed. It tells me to go here 
> http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91, but 
> that location does not contain the binaries. It suggests two other sites, but 
> I didn’t have any luck finding the binaries there either.
>  Where can I find the binaries that I need?
> Thanks
> Joe.

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