Ds Jstc wrote on Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 11:13:26 -0700:
> I've been using subversion in a lighthearted way for a couple of years,  
> recommending it to clients, sending a little money to Tigris now and  
> then.  It works very well for most of what I need it for.  But I have  
> one big problem that I can't resolve.
> It's this: the mailing list paradigm drives me insane.
> I want to search for solutions, complain about my favorite missing  
> features, and reply to other people's problems when I've already solved  
> them.  But I can't seem to do that without subscribing to the mailing  
> list.  And my inbox is entirely full enough, thank you.

Do you have to post in order to subscribe?  I don't think so.

(I am subscribed, but not at the address I post from.)

> There are probably thousands of competent, helpful people like me who  
> would love to participate, but won't subscribe to yet another list.  You  
> aren't hearing from them... because they're not subscribed.  Please  
> change over to a threaded forum, so I can participate without resorting  
> to email.
> Is this something Tigris can change?  Is it worth opening a new issue  
> report about it?  Everything I've found in the system is two years old  
> or more.
> Thanks!
> Dylan

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