On Aug 2, 2010, at 04:38, Istace Emmanuel wrote:

> Hi, first of all, sorry for my bad english, i’m belgium and i’ll try to do my 
> best.
> I have a little problem. I’ve got a SVN server hosted in WAN. In LAN i’ve got 
> many user who use this service, but, it’s really « chatty ». I want to make a 
> SVN Relay into the LAN. This svn server will sync to the WAN server twice per 
> day and my user will connect to the LAN server and not the WAN server. How 
> can i do that ? Is a sync between two svn server possible ?

Yes, "svnsync" is the software you are looking for. You can read all about it 
in the book:


You will probably want to sync constantly, not just twice a day.

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