On Aug 2, 2010, at 04:54, Istace Emmanuel wrote:

> Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Yes, "svnsync" is the software you are looking for. You can read all 
>> about it in the book:
>> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.maint.ht
>> ml#svn.reposadmin.maint.replication
>> You will probably want to sync constantly, not just twice a day.
> Tony Sweeney wrote:
>> Actually, I think he's looking at something more along the lines of
>> Perforce's P4Proxy server, but for Subversion. 
>> http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4sag/09_p4p.html  
>> Svnsync doesn't help in the event that someone not on his LAN independently
>> commits to the Subversion server on the WAN, as you'd need to be able to
>> sync bidirectionally, and I'm not even sure that's possible.
> To Ryan : Thanks a lot for this, you will make my router happy :D For the
> replication i will see what's the traffic generated by a constant
> réplication. This WAN svn service is a temp service, in the next week we
> will host everything locally and just keep an external svn backup server. 
> To Tony :  It's a possibility but i don't have to do a bidirectionnal sync.
> But i will have a look at your solution and choose between the two after.

There shouldn't be much difference in bandwidth whether you svnsync twice a day 
or immediately after every revision is committed; svnsync replays the commits 
in order so they're going to be the same size either way.

No users will be writing to the LAN mirror; all users will be writing to the 
master repository on the WAN, even those users who checked out from the LAN 
mirror. This is accomplished by setting up a write-through proxy.

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