On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 12:27, BRM <bm_witn...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I recently had my subversion server die - the box, not subversion itself - and
> have been working through the recovery process.
> Part of that is going through and modifying a number of projects for the 
> change
> in the URL - namely changing from a non-standard port for apache to a standard
> port.
> We have started using svn:externals in some projects, but did not use the
> relative path values - instead, specifying the whole URL; so I need to update
> the URLs in the svn:externals.
> I know I can get the values using 'svn pget svn:externals'; but the SVN 
> redbook
> recommends against using pset/propset to set the values.

Read that more carefully - it's a special case. svn propset is only
discouraged if you have a *multiline* value. That is, you have one
directory which needs to reference multiple externals. If you're only
referencing a single external for each directory, svn propset will be

> So, how do I set the values from a script? "svn help pset" seems to show a 
> "-F"
> parameter for reading the values from a file. This seems like it would take 
> care
> of the concern mentioned issue - that the externals are multi-line.
> If that is the case, then shouldn't the note say to use that parameter with 
> pset
> or use pedit instead of flatly saying use pedit?

Most of the time, using svn propedit is enough because people don't
often make changes to their whole repository via a script as you're
doing here.

> Or is there another reason why I shouldn't use pset?

If you only have one external per directory, I don't see why you can't use pset.

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