We are trying to get a Subversion install on an IBM AIX box we have
here. Unfortunately, I really don't have root access to the box, and I
know that our admins will probably not be very helpful in this

I do have gcc version 4.0.0, but I don't have the APR library. We
don't plan to use Apache httpd, but just svnserve instead.

I downloaded the Universal AIX tarball (only 1.4, but I'd be happy
with anything now), and had problems since it was tarred up at the
root of the directory. I used pax to untar the file, so I could put it
under something besides /opts. The files are placed under /home/david.

$ LIBPATH=/home/david/subversion/opt/subversion/lib:$LIBPATH
$ ./svn
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ./svn because of the following errors:
        0509-022 Cannot load module
        0509-150   Dependent module /opt/subversion/lib/libsvn_wc-1.so
could not be loaded.
        0509-022 Cannot load module /opt/subversion/lib/libsvn_wc-1.so.
        0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name
does not exist.
        0509-022 Cannot load module svn.
        0509-150   Dependent module
/home/david/subversion/opt/subversion/lib/libsvn_client-1.so could not
be loaded.
        0509-022 Cannot load module .

Any ideas at this point?

David Weintraub

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